This version is superseded. Click here to view the latest guide.
This document describes how to redeem coupons in CS Lucas system.
This allows system generates the cash flow for the coupon redemption and accounts for it.
1. From the main menu, select Transaction > Fund Management > Coupon/Redeem.
2. Click Maintain. The screen below is displayed.
3. Accounting centre would have been defaulted to user accounting centre. If not, it will be left blank. Choose the Accounting Centre. In this example it will be TFI-SG.
4. For the Ticker field, if unsure the ticker name, type in the first letter then press the tab key on your keyboard. All tickers that start with that letter will display on the screen.
5. Select the ticker to use by clicking on the name. In this example, Anglo Amer 4.125% 9/2022 will be selected.
6. Click . This will refresh the VDate list for the available coupon dates. The list is based on the VDate of coupon schedule in security setup.
7. Select the coupon date and click Refresh. The system shows the coupon that is due by portfolio.
8. If you select the last coupon date, the system shows the final principal amount to be redeemed.
9. Select back 27 Mar 2017 and click Refresh. To book the coupon redemption, tick on the check box next to the Portfolio and click Book.
10. After booked, select the Accounting Centre and Portfolio from the Coupon/Redemption screen and click Refresh to filter out the coupon redemption booked.
11. Note that coupon cannot be amended after it is booked. If it’s wrong, delete the coupon and re-book again.
12. To delete a booked coupon, select the checkbox of the coupon trade ID and click Delete.
FAQ01. Where can I see the coupons for all the bonds bought?
There is a report in CS Lucas system named “Investment Bond Coupon Activity by Date” that you can print to see coupons for all bonds. This report can be retrieved under Reporting > Standard. Report id is 8030.