Quick Start Guide (W5)

This version is superseded. Click here to view the latest guide.

Get your CS Lucas account up and ready with help from this quick-start user guide.


Section 1         Background

Section 2         Overview

Section 3         Master Data Set Up

Accounting Centre
Accounting Centre Group
User Group
User and Assign User Group

Section 4          Book Transaction

Money Market
Term Loan
Foreign Exchange
Non-Deliverable Forward
Interest Rate Swap
Contingent Liability
Trade Request

Section 5         Tips and Tricks


This quick start guide explains the steps required for booking a trade in CS Lucas system.

To learn about cash forecasting, click here.

To learn about Fund Management – Investment, click here.

We strongly recommend you spend a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the content of this quick start guide as it links to more details information as you progress.

We suggest that you navigate around the system and read the context guide for details of use; click on the icon blank on the top right corner to access help specific to the feature of that page.


*Transactions in CS Lucas system are Money Market, Term Loan, Foreign Exchange, Non-Deliverable Forward, Interest Rate Swap, Options, Contingent Liability, Call/ Sweep, Hedging and Trade Request.

This flow chart illustrates an overview of some pre-requisites set ups and dependencies between the modules in CS Lucas system for a first time-through set up to book transactions.

Each of these modules is explained in section 3 and 4 below.



Purpose: To have a new currency to trade with.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Maintaining Currency
Maintaining Currency Pair*

Note*: Required only if you are booking Foreign Exchange or Non-Deliverable Forward transactions.

Accounting Centre

Purpose: To have a new accounting centre to trade with.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Maintaining Accounting Centre

To enable/ use the newly created accounting centre in the system, ensure the accounting centre is approved and is assigned to accounting centre group that is tagged to your assigned user access group. Please see below step to assign to accounting centre group.

Accounting Centre Group

Purpose: To facilitate the control of access rights of accounting centres that users can access/view and for reporting purposes.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Create Accounting Centre Groups and Assign Members

Note: This is required for creating user group.


Purpose: To have a new counterparty to trade with.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Maintaining Counterparty

User Group

Purpose: Define user roles by assigning permissions to user group.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Maintaining User Groups and Assigning Permissions

Note: There is no pre-defined user roles in the system.

User and Assign User Group

Purpose: To create a new user and assign user group.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Maintaining Users and Assigned Groups


Purpose: To have a facility to trade between accounting centre and counterparty.

Transactions entered by an accounting centre with a counterparty or another accounting centre are governed by terms and conditions such as product, dealing limits, fees etc. The terms are set out in CS Lucas under Facility.

Please check out the following user guides regarding

Maintaining Facility and Limit

Note: This is not required for Hedging and Trade Request transaction.


Pre-requisites: Ensure all the master data in Section 3 are set up before proceeding to book transaction.

Money Market Transactions

Purpose: The CS Lucas Money Market module is used for booking borrowing transactions under a revolving credit terms or placement transaction such as a term deposit.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Booking Transactions
Amending Transactions
Importing Trades
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement

Term Loan Transactions

Purpose: The CS Lucas Term Loan module is used for booking long term borrowing transactions. In a term loan transaction, there will be periodic repayment of interest or principal or both.

The term loan module is useful for handling bond issuance and loan with regular and irregular repayment profiles.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Importing Trades
Booking and amending transactions
Booking periodic items
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement

Foreign Exchange Transactions

Purpose: The CS Lucas Foreign Exchange module is used for booking FX trades. FX trades may be outright and forwards.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Booking and amending transactions
Importing Trades
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement

Non-Deliverable Forward Transactions

Purpose: The CS Lucas Non-Deliverable Forward module is used for booking NDF trades.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Booking and amending transactions
Importing Trades
Fixing NDF
Confirm NDF and Fixed NDF Transactions
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement

Interest Rate Swap Transactions

Purpose: The CS Lucas Interest Rate Swap module is used for booking interest rate swap or cross currency swap trades.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Booking Transactions
Amending/Maintaining Transactions
Importing Trades
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement


Purpose: The CS Lucas Options module is used for booking vanilla and knock in/knock out currency options trades.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Booking Transactions
Amending Transactions
Exercise/ Settle Currency Options
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement

Contingent Liability

Purpose: The CS Lucas Contingent Liability module is used for keeping track any possible contingent liabilities that a company may incur.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Creating and Amending Contingent Liability
Importing Trades
Maintaining Contingent Liability Charges/Refund
Verification and Authorisations


Purpose: The CS Lucas Call/Sweep module is used for booking inter-company transactions, call deposit account transactions with external counterparty and bank sweeping activities.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Call/Sweep Set Up
Importing Call/Sweep Set Up
Applying Call/Sweep Facility Limit
Booking and Amending Transactions
Importing Trades
Maintaining Margin Rates
Verification and Authorisations
Managing Cash Settlement


Purpose: The CS Lucas Hedging module is used for booking underlying and derivatives transactions for commodity and futures.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Hedging Product Set Up
Booking Hedging Transactions
Importing Hedging Transactions
Maintaining Commodity/ Futures Prices
Importing Commodity/Futures Prices

Trade Request

Purpose: The CS Lucas Trade Request module is used for creating trade request for Money Market, Foreign Exchange and Contingent Liability – Issue Guarantee transactions. This allows subsidiaries to submit request and approve in the system for head office to process/ book the transactions on behalf of them.

Please check out the following guides regarding

Trade Request for Money Market, Foreign Exchange and Contingent Liability
Trade Request for Money Market Rollover


User Guides
Click blank to access user guide on any page in the system. This help icon is at the top right of the page. See Accessing User Guides.

Document Handling
This button blank launches the document handler pertaining to the page where it is found. See Documents and Notes.

Saving query parameters
These two buttons blankblank are for saving and applying user favourite parameters. Click for guide.


Quick Start Guide – Cash Forecasting

Quick Start Guide – Fund Management – Investment





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