FX Platform – Trade Request


This document explains how to create FX trade requests to be sent to FX platform for execution.


To allow system to submit and maintain trade request. The actions in these steps may facilitate the creation of Hedge Relationship between Forecast and FX transaction.


1. From the main menu, select Transaction > Trade Request. The screen below will be displayed.

blank2. To create a new request, click New. The New Trade Request screen will be displayed.

3. Select the type of request from the dropdown field as “FX Platform”.


4. The below screen is displayed.


5. Select the Acct Cntr and Platform to paste the FX trade request directly to panel display. Tick on the Paste Direct check box. The below screen is displayed.


6. Prepare list of FX trade requests in Excel sheet with the following column headers. Column names must be same as column headers shown below.


Field Remarks
Buy/ Sell Indicate Buy or Sell.
Ccy Type in the currency.
Amount Type in the amount.
Against Type in the against currency.
Vdate Type in the Vdate.
Portfolio Type in the portfolio.
Description Type in the description.


7. From the Excel sheet, copy and paste the FX trade requests including the column headers directly in the input text area shown in the screen below. Make sure Buy/ Sell, Ccy, Amount, Against Ccy and Vdate must exist and valid.


8. Click on Apply button. You will see the FX trade requests being added to the table list above.


9. Click Save . Once save is clicked, the request is created. You will be returned to Trade Request main screen. Note that the request details will be updated depending on the number of trades that are requested as shown in the screen below.

blank10. If you do not see the request created, select the Accounting Centre and click Refresh to view the list of trade requests.

11. To reject the trade request, click on the trade ID hyperlink from Trade Request screen. The below screen is displayed.


12. Before clicking on Reject button, user can type in the remarks column so that rejection reason can be stated and then click on Save button. You will be returned to Trade Request main screen.

13. Click on the request ID again to drill down to the FX Platform – View details screen and click on Reject button. You will be returned to Trade Request main screen. The status of the request will be shown as rejected.


14. To hedge forecast, tick on the Hedge Forecast checkbox . The below screen is displayed.


15. User needs to supply the values for the fields. Fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory.


16. Click on Apply button. The below screen is displayed with hedge forecast. This information is retrieved and summarised from operational forecast and FX module.


Forecast = Total of all the forecast between the selected From and To Date, Source, Cycle and SSI group. If “In/Out flow” is selected as Outflow, then all the negative amount is selected. If “In/Out flow” is Inflow then all the positive amount is selected.

Hedged = Total of all the FX trades where the VDate is in between the selected From and To Date, Acct Cntr and Portfolio. If “In/Out flow” is selected as Inflow, then all the sell trade amount is selected. If “In/Out flow” is Outflow then all the buy trade amount is selected.

Hedge Target = Forecast * % to hedge

Request = Hedge Target – Hedged

17. Click Save. Once save is clicked, the request is created. You will be returned to Trade Request main screen. Note that the request details will be updated depending on the number of trades that are requested as shown in the screen below.

blank18. If you do not see the request created, select the Accounting Centre and click Refresh to view the list of trade requests.

19. To reject the trade request to hedge forecast, click on the trade ID hyperlink from Trade Request screen. The below screen is displayed.

blank20. Before clicking on Reject button, user can type in the remarks column so that rejection reason can be stated and then click on Save button. You will be returned to Trade Request main screen.

21. Click on the request ID again to drill down to the FX Platform – View details screen and click Reject button. You will be returned to Trade Request main screen. The status of the request will be shown as rejected.

22. In Trade Request screen, trade can be approved by clicking on the check box and click on Approve button.

23. Once approved, you will be able to process the trade request. Click on the process link under the Contract Details.

blank24. An order file will be sent to the SFTP Server location specified to read by FX platform.

25. When the order file is sent, the status will be processing.

For e.g., Processing… 0/5

For e.g., Processing… 3/5

When processing is done, the status will be shown as processed.

For e.g., Processed 5/5

26. If any of the orders are received back, the status should show as follows: Total trades booked in CSL system from 360T/Total orders sent to 360T.

For e.g., Processing… 0/5

For e.g., Processing… 3/5

For e.g., Processed 5/5




Hedge Relationship – By FX Trade Request





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