4_14_06_414 – 25 Sep 17
Enhancement to allow users to download system logs from the CS Lucas system and send to CS Lucas when page error encountered in the system.

4_14_06_413 – 25 Sep 17
Bug fix on rounding issue for security price displayed on the New Investment screen.

Enhancement to save favourite for notes/documents attached in Note/File screen.

4_14_06_412 – 22 Sep 17
Bug fix on the following screens to display user guides: Contingent Liability Charges/Refund, Report, Report Schedule and Welcome page.

4_14_06_411 – 21 Sep 17
Enhancement on Trade Control screen to change the button caption depending on the “Event Type” selection.

4_14_06_409 – 15 Sep 17
Enhancement to add “Ctpy Ref” field in the following reports: 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2016, 2017, 2024, 4005, 4006 and 4007.

4_14_06_408 – 14 Sep 17
Enhancement on netting letter to display “Net Reference” at the bottom left corner of the letter to indicate that subsequent pages are linked to page 1 if it span over one page.

4_14_06_406 – 13 Sep 17
Enhancement on report 1008 List of Counterparty to include Email To and Email CC information.

4_14_06_405 – 12 Sep 17
Bug fix on compliance check using ranking risk profile.

Enhancement on Term Loan to allow import and replace existing term loan repayment schedule. See user guide:

Enhancement to allow pre-trade compliance check for Call/Sweep transaction.

4_14_06_404 – 6 Sep 17
Bug fix on import MM trades to prompt for mandatory value missing if B/L* field is left blank during import.

Bug fix on import FX trades to validate and prompt for invalid facility if facility is not approved and facility short name must be case sensitive during import.

4_14_06_403 – 6 Sep 17
Bug fix on page error when booking IRS structure item when the journals are set to skip.

Bug fix on Call/Sweep compliance for displaying the Call/Sweep position in the compliance result when there was margin or rate saved.

4_14_06_402 – 29 Aug 17
Bug fix on report 1029 entity group is not displayed for the second user group.

Bug fix on import portfolio template to have the same fields as New Portfolio screen.

Removal of unused access rights: 15304 – Approve Fees and Cash Transaction.

4_14_06_401 – 24 Aug 17
Enhancement to populate last available price based on TDate when inputting new Investment trade.

4_14_06_400 – 23 Aug 17
A new report “Time Weighted Return”.
Category: Reporting: Investment, Report ID: 8037, Access Rights: 70324

4_14_06_399 – 18 Aug 17
Bug fix on system create unnecessary periodic line items if IRS pay and receive frequency is different which result to system unable to correctly compute the interest.

Enhancement to allow export to Excel to xlsx format for standard and user report.

Bug fix on the followings for system unable to read numeric Ctpy Reference value in the import template.
i) Import MM Trades
ii) Import Term Loan Trades

4_14_06_398 – 8 Aug 17
Bug fix on system prompts “Invalid Value for Risk Profile” when importing risk profile tagging.

4_14_06_397 – 4 Aug 17
Bug fix on system was showing amortised cost of more than 1 where the bond is expired but the VDate is after the bond’s MDate.

4_14_06_396 – 4 Aug 17
Enhancement to pie chart to show percentage on segment.

Enhancement to allow Security Price – Dividend to be able to save and display 0.

4_14_06_395 – 1 Aug 17
Bug fix on system unable to recreate journals where the interest rate was 0% for Money Market trade.

4_14_06_394 – 28 Jul 17
Bug fix on borrow and lend limit not populated on drill down if Call/Sweep is one to a group of entities.

Enhancement to audit log changes when updating Call/Sweep borrow or lend limit.

4_14_06_393 – 25 Jul 17
A new report “Gross/Nett Interest Income and Expenses”.
Category: Reporting: Call/Sweep, Report ID: 3109, Access Rights: 70323

4_14_06_392 – 14 Jul 17
Bug fix on error drilling down to Entity Preference page if the values saved contain quote, e.g. “.

Bug fix on importing Call/Sweep set up where system still prompts “Mandatory value missing” even though mandatory fields in the import template are already filled in.

Bug fix on incorrect display of Call/Sweep type, i.e. External Ctpy Call, Interco Call, Bank Sweep Group after importing Call/Sweep Set Up. It was displayed as “?? Key 0 not found??” instead of the correct short name.

Enhancement on Investment Exposure pie chart under Reporting – Dashboard.
– Portfolio selection to be restricted to the portfolios that the user has access to.
– Risk group selection to sort in alphabetical order
– To sort the pie chart’s segments and legend in alphabetical order.

4_14_06_391 – 13 Jul 17
Enhancement on user report parameters to include a new field called “Populate By”.

4_14_06_390 – 12 Jul 17
Bug fix on MT940 reading from designated folder, i.e. files that are read and saved successfully are not moved to the SUCCESS folder.

Bug fix on the formatting for audit logging for Double type user attribute field. Added number formatting for Double type user attribute field on Term Loan screens.

4_14_06_389 – 5 Jul 17
Enhancement to include pre-trade compliance check for booking Term Loan lend trade in New Term Loan page. No pre-trade compliance check for trade amendment.

4_14_06_388 – 4 Jul 17
Bug fix on how system handle hard blocks, soft blocks and warnings when multiple compliance rules breach occur. The fix is to check only against rules that are breached only.

4_14_06_387 – 3 Jul 17
Bug fix on portfolio saved/imported not displayed in Call/Sweep Transaction and Call/Sweep Set Up screen.

Bug fix on wrong our dealer id when booking Money Market trade by opening another Money Market trade booked by another user id in a separate browser tab. Fixes are done for the following pages:

– New Money Market
– New FX Outright
– New FX Swap
– New Non-Deliverable Forward
– New Term Loan





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