This document shows the procedures on viewing, maintaining, and importing cash and ledger balance.
Cash balances are required in order for a user to have an overview of cash flow projection for one entity or the whole group. Without the opening cash, the projection will not be accurate.
The ledger balance is used as a reference to compare the balance amount between the actual cash account and in the ledger.
1. Select Cash Management > Actual > Cash Balance. The Actual Cash screen displays.
2. Choose the accounting centre to view. Then select the currency and input the value date.
3. Click Refresh. The screen below appears. It lists all bank accounts of a specific currency under the accounting centre chosen.
4. To maintain cash balance, enter the closing cash balance amount at the Balance column for each bank account and click on Save Balance.
5. To maintain ledger balance, enter the closing ledger balance at the Ledger column for each bank account and click on Save Ledger.
6. If you have many cash balances and ledger balances to upload on the system, the import function is to be used.
7. To start import, get the CS Lucas solution standard template by clicking on Import. The Import Actual Cash screen displays.
8. Click on the Template button. The system will prompt a download of the template file in Microsoft Excel format. Click Save.
9. Open the saved file and enter the values required.
10. Column headings with asterisks are mandatory. Do not leave rows empty and do not add any columns. The closing balances should be entered in the Amount column. If importing ledger balance, enter values in the Ledger column.
11. To import back to the system, in the Import Actual Cash screen, tick on Read file.
12. Browse to the location where the file is saved and click Read File. If successful, the values appear on the screen. If there is an error, the system will indicate the row number and the nature of the error.
13. If errors are made, make the necessary corrections and read the file again. When there are no errors, click Load.
14. Once done, the screen will display that the system has successfully imported the actual cash or ledger balance.
15. Click on Cancel button to return to the Actual Cash screen and view the imported balances. If it does not appear, check the filters and see if they are the correct ones.