This document shows the detailed procedure for setting preferences for a portfolio.
These preferences set up determine how the system would work for certain functions in the system.
1. To navigate to Portfolio Preference, click Set Up > Risk > Portfolio. The Portfolio screen displays.
2. Click on the Edit button of the portfolio in the listing to drill down to Amend Portfolio screen.
3. Click Preference. The Portfolio Preference screen displays.
4. The following explain each of the preferences set up.
Divisions (D1/C1/P1,D2/C2/P2)
This set up allows tagging of accounting centre division (Business Areas/Cost Centres/Profit Centres) to portfolio which allows system to tag the accounting centre division to the month end journals of the investment portfolio trades for integration to external accounting system.
Click on the Divisions hyperlink.
The set up for the Divisions is in the format below:
[Business Area]/[Cost Centre]/[Profit Centre]
Click Update.
Exclude Accrual for Compliance Check
This set up allows the system to exclude accruals for Money Market and Investment trades in the compliance check.
By default, the accruals are included in the compliance check.
To exclude the accruals, click on the Exclude Accrual for Compliance Check hyperlink.
Select “Yes” from the drop down field.
Click Update.
Exclude Cash for Compliance Check
This set up allows the system to exclude all cash or only negative cash in the compliance check.
By default, the cash are included in the compliance check.
To exclude all cash/ negative cash, click on the Exclude Cash for Compliance Check hyperlink.
Select “All” to exclude all cash or “Only Negative” to exclude only negative cash.
Click Update.
Integration String
This set up is required for integration to ICD for MMF transactions or can be used in Bloomberg integration.
See how this should be set up for the portfolio in ICD integration.
See how this should be set up for the portfolio in Bloomberg preference set up.