This document shows the procedures on how to check error loading payment request file from SFTP server in CS Lucas system.
This allows user to check any error loading payment request file from SFTP server so that client can be informed to correct the necessary and resend for loading.
1. From the menu, select Cash Management > Payments > Payment Request.
Tip: If you do not see the Payment Request in the menu navigation, please ensure that you have the access rights to access this screen. Access rights required is 19400 Access Payment Request.
2. The Payment Request screen is displayed.
3. Click on PRF Error.
Tip: If you get access denied prompt, please ensure that you have the access rights to access this screen. Access rights required is 19413 Access PRF Load Error.
4. PRF Load Error screen displays.
5. All the errors will be shown in this screen if there is error loading payment request file. The error specifies the timestamp when the file is read, error type and file name.
Note: The validation checks are limited to the following:
- Invalid file format/ type
- Invalid payment type
- Invalid data type format for Amount, VDate, Bene SSI Account No and Bene BSB No.
- Missing mandatory fields for the payment type.
Payment Type | Mandatory Fields |
PT_NAB_DE | Payor SSI, BENE SSI Account No, BENE SSI Account Name, BENE BSB No, VDate, Amount, Narrative, FILE URL. |
- Missing payment type
6. Once user has taken action on the error file, user can put comments by clicking on the hyperlink under User Comment.
7. A pop up displays.
8. Enter the comments and click Submit.
9. User Comment updated with the latest comment with timestamp. Click on the hyperlink if you wish to view all the comments history.
10. User may also filter the errors by Date or Error Type by filling in the filter fields on the screen and click Refresh.
11. Click to return to Payment Request screen.