Support and Maintenance

See previous W5 version guide


FAQ01. How do you decide whether a missing feature is a bug or a scope?

If a feature is missing from the system, we will determine whether this exclusion was intended in the original design. If it is not, then we regard it as a critical exception and will rectify the fault immediately.

If a missing feature was not envisaged in the original design, then we would regard it as a deliberate limitation of scope. To instate this feature will involve raising an enhancement request. This may be done by CS Lucas or by a client.

FAQ02. Why would CS Lucas deliberately limit the scope of capability?

Over time, we would like to reduce any limitation users may experience when using the system. Unfortunately, even with time, we cannot eliminate all limitation; only reduce them.

Therefore, we face formidable challenges when we design any feature:

– Lack of input from actual users who has not used such a feature

– Where we do have inputs, different users have different preferences and requirements

– Subjective trade-offs between flexibility and ease of use

– Technological limitations

– Time constrains to roll out key functionality

We therefore have to make decisions that sometime limits certain capability in order for more important functionality can be rolled out for customers without delay.

However, over time, we will enhance our design to remove limitation that cause problems for users. We prioritize our work in this aspect.

FAQ03. What can client expect when making an enhancement request?

We always welcome feedback and suggestion on how the CS Lucas system can be improved.

Request should be acknowledged on the Qliko issue log system for tracking. A decision will be made by CS Lucas whether such a request is within the road map of our solution.

If the change request is in the road map, we replicate this request into the Enhancement Queue. Otherwise, we will inform the user of our decision that the matter will not be pursued. The request will then be closed.

FAQ04. How does CS Lucas prioritize items on the Enhancement Queue?

We are always driven by the needs of what customers’ needs are. We therefore consider the following matters when deciding which tasks to tackle first.

Higher priority are attached to issues that have:

– Major security and audit impact

– Requested by more users

– Greater incidence work around a limitation<

– Greater impact for reducing user’s effort

– Greater experience when using the system

– Other enhancement issue depending on it.

FAQ05. Are you able to access our production system for maintenance and support?

How we access you production system will depend on the mode CS Lucas is deployed for your access.

a. On premise

We will access your system remotely and only from our office registered static IP address.

We will agree with you the remote access tool that we use to connect to your system:

– Teamviewer

– Microsoft Remote Desktop

– Gotomeeting

Each time we connect to you will require written clearance and exchange of access key and PIN to log in using remote tools.

Subject to special arrangement, we can come to your data centre to access the production system for maintenance (“On-site Maintenance”).

On-site maintenance will be subject to additional cost based on time and material and subject to a minimum charge of 0.25 days per day.

b. Hosted

If we host the CS Lucas system for you, we can access it only from our registered IP address.

FAQ06. What activities do you perform when you access our PRODUCTION environment?

We support the system in order to fulfil our contractual obligation under the subscription and maintenance agreement.

In general, we only access your environment will strictly be to:

– troubleshoot reported issues

– perform application and operation system patches or upgrades

– audit system usage

– monitor performance

– any other activities as set out in the subscription and maintenance agreement.

When we perform update and perform application and operation system patches or upgrades, we will obtain your permission in writing prior to our work.

We will also obtain your written permission in the event we have to update values in the database to correct values caused by a bug in the system. In such cases, we will document the value before the correction and the value after the correction.

Other than this instance, we are not allowed by our own internal audit and compliance policy to update database records via back end database scripting.

If we need to take a copy of the database to perform in-depth trouble shooting, we will obtain your written permission before doing so. The copy will not be allowed to be transferred out from our office. At the end of the troubleshooting exercise, we will destroy all copy of the database.

FAQ07. Do you allow scripting of database?

Scripting the Database directly circumvent work flow control, access rights control and compromised the logging of changes. For these reasons, our policy is not to provide such services to script the database. User must use existing screen to make any changes to the data so that audit logs are captured. The following are the only exception:

– We may script if the problem is caused by a bug. We will first ascertain whether the anomalies in the data can be fixed by changes using existing front end screen. If this is possible, we will use such screens to make the change. If this is not possible, we will perform a script to directly change the values, we will document the code used to script and changes this has to the record. This will be saved to Qliko.

– When new fields are added that are mandatory. We will script in a default value for the new fields.  User may then change these values using the standard maintenance user interface.

FAQ08. What happens if there are un-deployed fixes on UAT?

We expect all deployments to UAT to be tested and deployed to production within a very short, typically within a week. If these deployments are not done, we will not be able to:

a) Restore production data to the UAT environment. Users may need to do this to simulate transaction before doing them in production environment

b) Hold up newer bug fix deployment to UAT. To ensure high code quality, we do not deploy newer bug fixes/patches without deploying earlier fixes/patches.

FAQ09. Do you allow selective deployment of fixes?

We are not able to selectively include or exclude certain fixes and patches from our code base. For example, the next code base include Feature 1, Feature 2 and Bug Fix 3. User will not be able to select to have only Feature 1 and Bug Fix 3 leaving out Feature 2.

FAQ10. How to archive information for housekeeping and statutory record keeping?

Below are two ways to archive information for housekeeping and statutory record keeping:

a) Export from report to PDF, Formatted Excel, Word or Excel Raw format.


b) Export from screen. Click on Action and select export CSV.


Client may upload the exported Excel to Business Intelligence (BI) tools for analysis.

FAQ11. What is CS Lucas support arrangement for archiving customer data?

For users who are on our SaaS, they may do this export anytime so long as their subscription to the system is active. CS Lucas support for this is available.

For hosted clients, they may continue to use the system for 1 month after the end of the hosting terms. CS Lucas support for this is available during this period. Thereafter the system will be purged.

For on premise clients, they can continue to access the system any time if a current maintenance contract is in place. CS Lucas support for this is available during this period. Thereafter the system will be purged.

For on premise clients who are on perpetual license, they can continue to access the system any time. Support from CS Lucas is available if a current maintenance contract is in place.






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