Viewing Operational Forecast

See previous W5 version guide


This document contains the procedures for viewing operational forecast in the system.


Viewing operational forecast allows users to view operational forecasts that are input by an entity, or view the consolidated forecasts by group of entities.


1. From the Menu, select Cash Management > Forecasting > Operational, you can choose to view in grid or list.


2. To view operational forecast in grid view, select Grid. Operational Forecast (Grid) screen displays.


3. Choose the Accounting Centre to view. If the accounting centre you wish to view is not available, contact the administrator to grant you rights. In this case, we will choose TFS-SG.

4. The Ccy/SSI field will be populated with bank accounts that belong to the accounting centre selected. Bank account groups in the dropdown are characterized by a ‘+’ sign in the beginning of the short name. In this example, we will select TF-DB-SGD-OPS.

5. Next, select the time bucket for how to view the forecast. It can be daily, weekly, monthly, etc. This is user-definable. For more information on how to set up the time bucket, click here.

6. Unit is ‘Full Value’ by default. You may change it to view by thousands or millions, but in this example, the default will be chosen.

7. Select the reporting currency you want the forecast to appear in by clicking the dropdown beside the Rpt Ccy field. The exchange rate used for the conversion will be the valuation rate archived in the system at the From Date. In this example, we will use SGD.

8. The cycle field is set to default. If chosen, the default cycle will allow maintaining forecast for an open-ended period. This can also be defined. For more information on how to set rolling forecast cycles, click here.

9. Choose the From Date to set the date from which the forecast is to be displayed. This can be a past or future date.

10. The source field is also set to default. Source can be used to maintain forecast for different purposes. For example, you may want to keep an aggressive forecast in the system. This can be done by creating a source called “Aggressive Forecast,” and then forecast can be maintained under this source. For more information on how to set up the source, click here.

11. Click Refresh. The screen below will be displayed.


12. The system will display up to 15 columns at a time. To make changes, see the guide to Maintain Forecast in Grid View here.

13. To view operational forecast in list view, select Cash Management > Forecasting > Operational > List from the main menu. The Operational Forecast (List) will be displayed.


14. Select the Accounting Centre to view.

15. Choose the Ccy/SSI. Those in the dropdown correspond to the Accounting Centre chosen. In this example, we will choose TF-DB-SGD-OPS.

16. The Cycle field is set to default. If chosen, the default cycle will allow maintaining forecast for an open-ended period. This can also be defined. For more information on how to set rolling forecast cycles, click here.

17. Fill in the From Date and the To Date.

18. The Section/Category field is usually left blank. However, to view only individual or selected sections and categories, select the section and category or the group from what have been pre-setup. To know how to set up sections and categories, click Maintaining Forecast Sections and Categories.

19. Select the source. In this example, default will be chosen.

20. Click Refresh. The screen below will be displayed.


21. The system will display the forecast in list format. To make changes, see the guide to Maintain Forecast in List View here.


FAQ01.  I cannot access this module and view the forecast.

Authorization is needed to access the operational forecast. Contact your administrator to grant you
13843 Access Operational Forecast and 13844 Refresh Operational Forecast.


Maintaining Operational Forecast in List View

Maintaining Operational Forecast in Grid View

Importing Operational Forecast (Grid)

Importing Operational Forecast (List)

Cut and Paste List of Operational Forecast





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